Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Sketchbook Project

I got my Notebook in the mail today. I signed up to participate in this project last week after mulling over the decision for a week or so. I got my very talented older sister Grace to do it too. When I finish my sketchbook and send it in in January it will be part of a tour (coming to a city near you) where people can come and flip through note books done by artists, bloggers, mothers and their children and everyone in between. When it's a part of the tour I'll get e-mails and text messages letting me know that some one has flipped though it. Pretty cool huh. Not to mention it'll be digitally cataloged into the Brooklyn Library website so people all over the world can view it for years to come.

I got to pick a theme and now I can't wait to dive in and get to sketching!...although I can't decide if I should just start sketching or really think about what kind of creation I want to make with in the confines of this sketchbook...hmmm.

You can still sign up here until October 31st. Join me!

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