Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Trying my hand at comics.

When I was in New York I met up with a guy by the name of Brandon Lisy that I met through a friend of a friend. We had lunch together because he does what I want to do (He's an editor/producer at ABC News) and I wanted to hear what he had to say about it. The moment we walked into the ABC Cafeteria he asked me if I was a Vegetarian, and though I'm not really I just tell people I am to squelch further questions. And apparently my hat gives me away.

Today I did a lot of waiting around for folks to come and work on the house in one way or another. Around 3pm the roofers showed up and proceeded to do whatever they do to "roof". Whatever it was it sounded like they were dropping bowling balls on the roof. If I wanted this to really be true to life I would have added my Cat Alister, cuz he was flipping out.


Monday, April 11, 2011

Montrose Beach

Yesterday was the first day of the year the temperature rose above 80 degrees in Chicago. It was a Sunday so naturally everyone headed down to the beach. The entire 28 miles of Chicago's lake shore is park land with 33 Beaches and other assorted harbors, piers and golf courses. I live just down the street from Montrose Beach and Montrose Harbor which has volley ball courts, a skate park, a sledding hill, a Bird sanctuary, a pier and countless vendors and rent-able boats in the summer. So on this beautiful, sunny and windy day I decided to take a walk down to the shore to dip my toesies into the ice cold spring water, and when it's nice outside, whatever month is may be, Chicago come's out to play. As I entered the park, music playing in my ears, I started passing families playing, couples canoodling and kissing, Dogs flipping out, and I thought it'd all be a nice moment to try to capture and share, Chicago coming out of it's hole. There is something very redemptive about Spring in Chicago, something you can't experience in places like L.A., and I'm still trying to figure out if it holds some value as a human experience, but my feeling is that it does.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Beautiful Me

This is my most recent project.

About a month ago I heard a friend of mine was doing this photo shoot and I decided it would be a good idea/interesting to film it. The photo shoot and data collected from the questionnaires the girls filled out were to be collaborated and turned into a short play that was going to be performed at the NPU winter one act festival, but the person who was heading the project dropped out. The girls involved in putting this all together called me up a week ago and said "Hey, since you have all that footage want to just make a video we can screen at the festival?" and I was like "TOTALLY!" and then I called up my friend Dustin who is an awesome musician and was like "Hey want to score a short doc by this time next week?" and he was like "TOTALLY!". And so this short film was born and will be screened on a big screen this week on Thursday and Saturday night at North Park University in the LHA.


Friday, January 21, 2011

Social Media Mogul

So since I'm a Social Media Mad woman I've started to sell myself as a social media manager under Uncanny Cat Media. A million thanks to my bff Darcie for making that amazing logo. My first client you ask? Gene's Sausage Shop, an amazing European style market that's been an establishment in Chicago for 37 years that opened up a second location a little over a year ago. I was hired there about 2 months ago as a cashier/deli girl and thought they could use my skills as a social media addict. I'm giving them my 30 day trial in hopes that they'll dig my skillzzz ;) Check it out and please stop by Gene's, this is really a place I believe in.

And let me know if you need my mad skillzzz.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

I went to Tom Thumb for some hair for my puppets...

And I stumbled upon these little head boards for 99 cents each, couldn't resist. I figured I could do something with them, so I did! A little brown paint and water, a couple magazine cut out's and some glue and viola!

"Chewy Melodic Bits"

"My Attic Hurts"

"I'm free and ready, so we can go's about cookin somethin' up with me?"


P.S. I REEEEALLY need to find my digital camera chord...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Meal in the Sky keeps on turnin...

Meal in the Sky from Leigh Culbertson on Vimeo.

This is the completed family vid made with footage taken on Thanksgiving 2010 in Chicago at my sister Bonnie's place. My family is dynamic and entertaining.

Love, Leigh.


Monday, January 17, 2011

Don't hate me Bon.

Bonnie from Leigh Culbertson on Vimeo.

I made this compilation of silly Bonnie moments. They're from a longer family vid I made that is having some trouble loading right now...but this one is funny.


Saturday, January 1, 2011

Story Board and the cast.

I'm sorry I haven't posted in basically a month, but I've been busy working on crafts for Christmas made for my family members (I have 5) so that took up a lot of my time. I'm waiting on my sister to e-mail me some photo's of the great Calendars I made for my sisters, Mom and Dad. (take your time Grace) and then I'll post them here.

I'm working on a short film set to Grizzly Bear's "Two Weeks". It will involve a cute little "Girl love's Boy" story played by some puppets I'm creating. After listening to the song enough times to make a person puke indie rainbow's, I finished the story board (below is one of 4 pages of it) and moved on to the puppet heads. After I'm done with the puppets I'll post them here and then move on to the scouting and shooting. Please let me know if you want to be involved because God knows I can't do this all on my own.


Oh yeah and HAPPY NEW YEAR! :D